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2025 Heathen Calendar for Old Ways Heathens

Writer's picture: Robert SassRobert Sass

At the bottom of this article, I will give the 2025 dates for these historical Heathen holidays for modern practice for Old Ways Heathens. Let me give some background in case some of my readers are not familiar with the evidence for the historical pre-christian Heathen calendar:    

Dr. Andreas E. Zautner:“If we browse the internet for holidays of the Germanic people, we mainly find pages presenting an octopartite year circle, the so-called ‘eight-spoked wheel of the year’ based on the solstices, the equinoxes, and four moon feasts in between. This year circle has absolutely no historical basis. Although it is very popular in neopagan circles, especially within Wicca and eclectic Asatru, there is no verified evidence for such a year circle as basis for the seasonal festivities. The same is true for the Celtic feasts within the year circle, because the Gauls too, used a lunisolar calendar as we know for the examples of Coligny and Villards d’Heria (Olmstedt, 1992). If one has internalized such ideas, one should get rid of them immediately!” [Dr. Andreas E Zautner, “The Lunisolar Calendar of the Germanic Peoples”, P.83] What are the holidays of the historical Heathens?

“Odin established the same law in his land that had been in force in Asaland… On winter day (first day of winter) there should be blot for a good year, and in the middle of winter for a good crop; and the third blot should be on summer day, a Victory-blot.” [Ynglinga Saga, ch 8]

"Now it is their old ways to hold a blot in haust (haustmanuthr, a moon) to welcome in the winter, a second in the middle of winter, and a third to welcome the summer." [Heimskringla Olaf's Saga Helga, The Slaying of Olvir of Egge]

"As long as heathendom lasted he was wont to hold three blood offerings: one on Winter Nights, a second at mid-Winter, and the third at the start of summer. But when he became a Christian he kept up in the same way with the feasts: In the autumn he had a great feast of friends, then in winter a Yule Feast, when he bade many men come to him again, and the third he had at Paska, when he had also a great crowd of guests." [Saga of St. Olav, ch 117].

“Midsummer festivities had no connection with the Odin Cult." [Dr. Andreas E Zautner, “The Lunisolar Calendar of the Germanic Peoples”, P.90]

In Heimskringla, the saga of Hakon the Good, section 15 (circa 1230 AD) it says the following: “The first night of Yule was hǫkunótt, that is midwinter night, and Yule was held for three nights.”

Heimskringla Saga, Magnus the Blind, Chapter 6: “Yule was kept holy for only three days, when no work was done.”

Bede states in De Temporum Ratione, Ch 15 (725 AD): "Thus, the moon by which they began their winter season was called “Winterfylleth”, a name compounded of the terms for winter and full moon, because from the full moon of that moon winter was thought to begin."

Andreas Nordberg, the world’s foremost scholar on Norse Holidays, makes clear in his book on the dating of Yule that “The pre-Christian Yule feast occurs at the first full moon after the first new moon following the winter solstice, while the disting took place at the third full moon according to the same method of calculation.” (Jul, disting och förkyrklig tideräkning Kalendrar och kalendariska riter i det förkristna Norden Uppsala 2006, P.4) At Yule it was determined if a thirteenth moon would be added to the year. To keep the following year’s Yule as the first full moon after the first new moon after the solstice, it would be determined if a 13th moon would be needed or not. You can see Nordberg's book, in PDF form, with a one page English Abstract (Introduction) and twenty page summary in English (the rest is in Swedish) here:

Please note for Saxon Heathens, the Indiculus superstitionum et paganiarum (written circa 743 CE/AD), a Latin writing by St. Boniface and his henchmen, is in the same historical codex as the Old Saxon Baptismal Vow, also written in the 8th century. The Baptismal Vow forces the Saxons to renounce Thunar (Thor), Uuoden (Odin) and Sahsnoth (Saxnote). However, the Indiculus superstitionum et paganiarum prohibits the Old Saxon celebration of Victory Moon. This is a possible reference to Sigrblot, meaning "Victory Blot."

**Since the Germanic Rule for Yule is that Yule is always the first full moon after the first new moon after the winter solstice, 2025 is a Leap Year, having thirteen moons.

Now, as per Yule: The Saga of Hakon the Good, chapter 15, records the christianization of Yule moving Yule from the full moon of Jolmanuthr, called Hokunott, to be on Dec 25th, the solstice of the Julian calendar. This is why Xmas is called "Jul" in Scandinavia today: "King Hakon was a good Christian when he came to Norway; but as the whole country was heathen, with much heathen blot, and as many great people, as well as the favor of the common people, were to be conciliated, he resolved to practice his Christianity in private. But he kept Sundays, and the Friday fasts, and some token of the greatest holy-days. He made a law that the festival of Yule should begin at the same time as Christian people held it, and that every man, under penalty, should brew a meal of malt into ale, and therewith keep the Yule holy as long as it lasted. Before him, the first night of Yule was on hǫkunótt, that is midwinter night, and Yule was held for three nights" Please note, Yule was on hokunott *(a night, showing a night as the beginning of Yule/Day aspect). Sine Yule was originally on hokunott, and it was moved to be at the same time as xmas, it is clear Yule was not historically on the solstice. Thietmar of Merseburg, who celebrated the birth of Jesus on the Greek orthodox Xmas of January sixth, says Yule was even after January 6th. According to Thietmar, Yule was celebrated in January, after Epiphany, the Greek orthodox Christmas, and that every 8 years, Yule was accompanied with the 8-year sacrifice.

The Chronicon of Thietmar of Merseburg Chapter 17 (circa 925 AD):"As I have heard odd stories concerning their ancient mid-winter blots, I will not allow this custom to be ignored. The middle of that kingdom is called Lederun (Lejre), in the region of Sjælland, all the people gathered every nine years in January, that is after we have celebrated the birth of the Lord, and there they offered to their gods blots…” We have two Rune-Stones proving the 9-year sacrifice was every eight years: Rune Stone of Blekinge and the Rune stone of Stentoften. [See Dr. Andreas E. Zautner, The Lunisolar Calendar of the Germanic Peoples, p.154]

Now, I will list the 2025 Norse Calendar, followed by the 2025 Old Saxon calendar.

2025 Norse Heathen Calendar

JolManuðr 2025 (Yule Moon)- New Moon: December 30, 2024, Full Moon: January 13, 2025

SunManuðr (Sun Moon)- New Moon: January 29 Full Moon: February 12

DistingsTungl (Disting Constellation)- New Moon: February 27 Full Moon: March 14

GoaManuðr (Goa's Moon)- New Moon: March 29 Full Moon: April 12

EinMánuður (First Moon)- New Moon: April 27 Full Moon: May 12

HarpaMánuður (Harpa's Moon)- New Moon: May 26 Full Moon: June 11

SkerplaMánuður (Skerpla's Moon)- New Moon: June 25 Full Moon: July 10

AukaManuðr  (Extra/Leap Moon)- New Moon: July 24 Full Moon: August 9

Heyannir (Hey Moon)- New Moon: August 23 Full Moon: September 7

Tvímánuður (Second Moon)- New Moon: September 21 Full Moon: October 6 HaustManuðr (Harvest Moon)- New Moon: October 21 Full Moon: November 5 

GorManuðr (Blood Moon)- New Moon: November 20 Full Moon: December 4 Ylir Manuðr (Yule Constellation)- New Moon: Dec 19, 2024 Full Moon: January 3 JolManuðr 2026 (Yule Constellation)- New Moon: January 18, 2026 Full Moon: February 1 2025 Norse Holidays:

Yule 2025 (Three nights): January 13, 2025 will be the first night, two more nights (14-15).

Disting: March 14 Sigurblot (Three Nights): April 12. two more nights of Sigurblot (13-14).

Winter Nights (Three Nights): November 5. Two more nights: November 6-7. Alfablot (Swedish): December 4 Yule 2026 (Three nights): February 1 2026 is the first night, followed by two more nights. PS- There is debate on when the Scandianvians added their leap moon. No doubt, it was added in summer, all agree to this. But where in Summer did they add it? Per Bede, the Anglish had three Litha moons during a leap year. What is for certain, is an extra moon was added to summer, so in a Germanic leap year, there would be seven moons in Summer, while only six moons in Winter. Above, I am using the name "Auka Manuðr" for the leap moon. However, I have not seen any convincing evidence as to the pre-christian Heathen name for this in Scandinavian circles.

2025 Aldsidu (Old Saxon) Heathen Calendar

Iul Manoð 2025 (Yule Moon) New Moon: December 30, 2024, Full Moon: January 13, 2025 Sune Manoð (Sun Moon)- New Moon: January 29 Full Moon: February 12

ThingTungl (Althing Constellation)- New Moon: February 27 Full Moon: March 14

Sigi Manoð (Victory Moon)- New Moon: March 29 Full Moon: April 12

Fifto Manoð (Fifth Moon)- New Moon: April 27 Full Moon: May 12

Sehsi Manoð (Sixth Moon)- New Moon: May 26 Full Moon: June 11

Sivendo Manoð (Seventh Moon)- New Moon: June 25 Full Moon: July 10   Ahtodo Manoð (Eighth Moon)- New Moon: July 24 Full Moon: August 9 Nigutha-manoð (Ninth Moon)- New Moon: August 23 Full Moon: September 7 Haleg Manoð (Holy Moon)- New Moon: September 21 Full Moon: October 6

Uuintar Manoð (Winter Moon)- New Moon: October 21 Full Moon: November 5

Blod Manoð (Blood Moon)- New Moon: November 20 Full Moon: December 4

Iul Manoð (Yule Moon)- New Moon: Dec 19, 2024 Full Moon: January 3

Iul Manoð (Yule Moon) 2026- New Moon: January 18, 2026 Full Moon: February 1

2025 Aldsidu (Old Saxon) Holidays:

Yule 2025 (Three nights): January 13, 2025 will be the first night, two more nights (14-15).

Althing/Marklo: March 14    Sigurblot (Three Nights): April 12. two more nights of Sigurblot (13-14).

Winter Nights (Three Nights): November 5. Two more nights: November 6-7.   Yule 2026 (Three nights): February 1 2026 is the first night, followed by two more nights.

*Please join us on Facebook, in the group "Aldsidu: Saxon Heathenry"

2025 Old English Heathen Calendar

The Old English Heathens had a very similar but slightly distinct calendar from the other Germanic tribes. The Old English kept the Roman Matronae Cult night of "Mothers' Night" (one night) on either the solstice (my view) or one full moon before Yule's full moon (others hold this view.) Whichever view you hold, I agree that the Roman church did not know the exact date of the solstice, as the Julian Calendar was off from reality at this time. The Julian Calendar was corrected with the Gregorian Calendar on October 4, 1582, however, after October 4th, the next day was October the 15th. (They skipped 10 days to "catch up" the calendar to the actual calendar, as the Julian calendar was incorrect. The solstices were moved from December 25th to December 21st most years, and June 24th to June 20/21 most years.) The Old English have different moon names, celebrate a Cake moon where cakes are given to the Gods, in the third moon/month rites were done to Hreda. The fourth moon/month was named Eostre, and instead of a summer blot or sigrblot, the start of summer was called "Eostre." There would be three Litha moons in 2025 due to the leap year. There was also rites throughout Holy Moon to the Gods. Most feel (as do I) that Bede lied about "New Years Day." In Bede's time, New Years Day in the Roman world was the same date as Christmas, or the solstice. I can give many examples, but history books claim Charlemagne was crowned Emperor on December 25th, of the year 800 CE. However, if you read the Royal Frankish Annals, these annals state Charlemagne was crowned emperor on December 25th, 801. Therefore, Xmas Day was also New Years Day in the Roman World when Bede wrote. Again, for clarity, December 25th also used to be the first day of the Roman new year, until it was moved from the solstice to January 1st. Hence, history books in the past said December 25th 801 for Charlemagne's coronation on Xmas, which was also the Roman New Year. POINT? Most (almost all) Heathens believe that the Germanic/Scandinavian new year was Winter Nights, i.e. the Disablot on Winter Nights, and therefore, some even believe that the Old English Mothers' Night was really Winterfylleth. While I disagree that Mothers' Night was Winterfylleth (I believe it was a Roman Matronae solstice night), I absolutely 100% agree that Bede was listing the Roman new year in his De Temporum Ratione. I do NOT believe that the Anglish had a different "new years day" in Heathen times than the other Germanic tribes. Many Old English Heathens make colorful blog articles and statements ripping on me for these views. Fine. However, I am not one to respond to such nonsense. I point out facts and evidence. Of course, Snorri and the Norse Sagas make it very clear that the Germanic/Scandinavian new year began with Winter Nights, but Bede gives the Church view. Nonetheless, for Old English Heathens, I suggest using the 2025 Saxon Moon dates above, substitute Bede's moon names for the Old Saxon ones, and do rites to Hreda in the third moon and also do holy rites on Bede's Holy Moon. Eostre-tide seemed to be more than just the start of summer, but rites to Eostre were done during the entire moon. For my readers, please remember most Saxons stayed in Saxony, but some Saxons, along with a great many Angles, Frisians, Franks, Alamanni, Frisians, and other Germanic tribes went to Britannia, and became the English or Anglo-Saxon peoples. They also mixed with the Romano-Britains for form one new culture. The Old Saxon calendar above is for the Old Saxons who remained in Saxony.

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Nov 07, 2024

Interesting as always. I find that our holidays could be off by a day depending on when the full moon is actually full. When the full moon falls at 12:05 am Saturday, November, 12th of the other Calander, we have the Holliday starting at sunset Friday November 11th.

I am interested in finding out more about alfablot.

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