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Robert Sass
Dec 4, 202412 min read
A Book Review: “Saxon Wars: Battle Tales”
If you were to find the book “Saxon Wars: Battle Tales” (by author: Nipun Shukla) on Amazon, you would find the following description:...
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Robert Sass
Nov 6, 202410 min read
Historical Pre-christian Heathenry: Fire and the taking of Land
A study of the historical sources of Germanic religion, especially the Norse Sagas, show fire as having an important ritual element in...
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Robert Sass
Oct 9, 202413 min read
Evidence the Heathen Saxon Hero Widukind Inspired the Viking Raids on Frankia & England
This article will discuss pre-christian Heathen Saxony’s relationship with three of its Heathen neighbors: The Chatti (who had Donar’s...
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Robert Sass
Sep 4, 20249 min read
2025 Heathen Calendar for Old Ways Heathens
At the bottom of this article, I will give the 2025 dates for these historical Heathen holidays for modern practice for Old Ways Heathens....
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Robert Sass
Jul 1, 20246 min read
The Lex Saxonum: Christian laws forced upon Saxon Heathens in the 8th Century
The Lex Saxonum are a series of laws issued by Charlemagne between 782 and 803 as part of his plan to subdue the Saxon Tribal...
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Robert Sass
Jun 28, 202412 min read
How much Saxon Heathenry was "claimed" by the Church?
Did Santa come from Odin? Did pre-Christian Germanic Peoples use symbols of rabbits and eggs near the first full moon after the equinox?...
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Robert Sass
Jun 4, 20247 min read
Orthodoxy, Dogma, and Practice in modern Neo-Paganism
Orthodoxy: defines "Orthodoxy" as "beliefs, ideas, or activities considered traditional, normal, and acceptable..." or...
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Robert Sass
May 11, 20245 min read
Asatru's Misinformation Problem
Normally, I do not discuss Asatru's issues on an Aldsidu blog. Due to the number of IMs I have received about The Troth and Diana Paxon,...
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Robert Sass
Apr 5, 20245 min read
Aldsidu and honorable Heathen behavior
Aldsidu is against all forms of bigotry and hate. However, I have realized that too many “Asatruar” are not actually Heathens having new...
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Robert Sass
Mar 21, 20244 min read
Saxon Bullion and early Sachsenpfennigs
While this is not necessarily a topic of Saxon Heathenry, the Saxons did have trade and an economic infrastructure before forced...
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Robert Sass
Mar 15, 20249 min read
Widukind and German Myth-Making
Widukind was a Saxon Heathen noble, without a doubt the most famous Saxon Heathen in history. Widukind was known as one of two Saxon...
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Robert Sass
Feb 19, 202413 min read
Runes in pre-Christian Heathen Times
The word "rune" (or "runes") occurs 40 times in the Elder Edda, as opposed to 2 times in the Younger Edda. Most scholars, like Dr....
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Robert Sass
Feb 13, 20246 min read
Snorri: How Christian is the Prose Edda?
Let me start with post by thanking Snorri for his Edda and his Sagas. We would know less if it were not for Snorri's efforts. Snorri...
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Robert Sass
Feb 6, 20245 min read
Heathenry's Greatest Weakness
Historical Pre-christian Heathenry, has the same weakness that modern Heathenry has. Historical Heathenry's Weakness The tribes in...
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Robert Sass
Feb 2, 202415 min read
Some Scholars believe Bede lied on Mothers' Night
My goal is to be accurate and not a spreader of misinformation. If I were practicing reconstructionist Druidy today, you would not find...
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Robert Sass
Jan 30, 202416 min read
How the Saxons are Portrayed in the Eddas & Sagas
The Saxons are not mentioned in the Poetic Edda. The Saxons are mentioned a great deal in the Prose Edda, and in the Sagas. In this...
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Robert Sass
Jan 25, 20244 min read
Heathen Archaeology - Some Thoughts
Most who come to Heathenry were not born to Heathen parents. While I became Heathen around the age of 30, I was born into a christian...
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Robert Sass
Jan 16, 20247 min read
Was Heimdall known to the Saxons?
Heimdallr (Heimdall) is one of the few Gods mentioned several times in the Eddas, proving Heimdall's importance. He is called "gold...
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Robert Sass
Jan 10, 20248 min read
Why does Neo-Paganism attract so many "crazy" people?
Recently, I took about a year off from making videos and blog articles. In that time, I finally got spiritual peace about Aldsidu and...
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Robert Sass
Jan 9, 20249 min read
Honorable Ethics & Behavior in Pre-Christian Heathen Society
What doe the historical sources say about Germanic* ethics and morality, and the Germanic* legal system? (PS- we do live in a modern...
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