This post will show first the Saxon Heathen Calendar, followed by the Anglish Calendar, and then the Scandinavian Heathen Calendar. These should serve as a guideline for Heathen Ritual (solitary, family, and community) in 2019-2020, based on the OLD WAYS, well researched.
2019-2020 Saxon Heathen Calendar:
Moons (Months): Uuintar Manoð (Winter Moon)- New Moon: September 28 Full Moon: October 13
Blod Manoð (Blod Moon)- New Moon: October 28 Full Moon: November 12
Iul Manoð (Yule Moon)- New Moon: November 26 Full Moon: December 12
2020: Iul Manoð (Yule Moon) - New Moon: December 28, 2019 Full Moon: January 10, 2020
Sune Manoð (Sun Moon)- New Moon: January 24 Full Moon: February 9
Threa Manoð (Third Moon)- New Moon: February 23 Full Moon: March 9
Summar Manoð (Summar Moon)- New Moon: March 24 Full Moon: April 7
Fifto Manoð (Fifth Moon)- New Moon: April 22 Full Moon: May 7
Sehsi Manoð (Sixth Moon)- New Moon: May 22 Full Moon: June 5
Sivendo Manoð (Seventh Moon)- New Moon: June 21 Full Moon: July 5
Ahtodo Manoð (Eigth Moon, , a lunar Leap Year Moon)- New Moon: July 20 Full Moon: August 3
Niguða-Manoð (Ninth Moon)- New Moon: Aug 18 Full Moon: Sept 2
Haleg Manoð (Holy Moon)- New Moon: September 17 Full Moon: October 1
Uuintar Manoð (Winter Moon)- New Moon: October 16 Full Moon: October 31
Blod Manoð (Blod Moon)- New Moon: November 15 Full Moon: November 30
Iul Manoð (Yule Moon)- New Moon: December 14 Full Moon: December 29
Iul Manoð (Yule Moon) 2021- New Moon: January 12 Full Moon: January 28
2019-2020 Saxon Holy Days (Uuihdage)
Winter Full Moon: Start of Winter to the Saxons, Night of October 13th into October 14th 2019. Blod Moon Blot or Alfablot: November 11 into November 12 2019. Yule: January 10th at night, into January 11th 2020. Idisablot: March 9th at night, into March 10th 2020. Acreblod (Field-Blot) or Sigurblot: (Start of Summer) Night of April 7th into April 8th 2020.
Winter Full Moon: Start of Winter to the Saxons, Night of October 31st into November 1st 2020. Blod Moon Blot or Alfablot: November 30th into December 1st 2020. Yule: January 28th at night, into January 29th 2021.
2020 Anglish & Jutish (Kent) Heathen Calendar
Months (Moons): The word “month” literally means “cycle of the moon.” The words “moon” and “month” are related in Old Saxon and Old Anglish (English), and all Old Norse/Icelandic languages.
Moons (Months):
2019 Wintar Manod (Winter Moon)- New Moon: September 28 Full Moon: October 13
Blod Manod (Blood Moon)- New Moon: October 28 Full Moon: November 12
Giuli Manod (Yule Moon)- New Moon: November 26 Full Moon: December 12
2020: Giuli Manod (Yule Moon) - New Moon: December 28, 2019 Full Moon: January 10, 2020
Sol Manod (Sun/Cake Moon)- New Moon: January 24 Full Moon: February 9
Hreða Manod (Hretha's Moon)- New Moon: February 23 Full Moon: March 9
Eostar Manod (Eostar Moon)- New Moon: March 24 Full Moon: April 7
Threa Milki Manod (Three Milkings Moon)- New Moon: April 22 Full Moon: May 7
Liða Manod (First Litha Moon)- New Moon: May 22 Full Moon: June 5
Liða Manod (Second Litha Moon)- New Moon: June 21 Full Moon: July 5
Liða Manod (Third Litha Moon)- New Moon: July 20 Full Moon: August 3
Weod-Manod (Weed Moon)- New Moon: Aug 18 Full Moon: Sept 2
Haleg Manod (Holy Moon)- New Moon: September 17 Full Moon: October 1
Uuintarfylleth (Winter Full Moon)- New Moon: October 16 Full Moon: October 31
Blod Manod (Blood Moon)- New Moon: November 15 Full Moon: November 30
Giuli Manod (Yule Moon)- New Moon: December 14 Full Moon: December 29
Giuli Manod (Yule Moon) 2021- New Moon: January 12 Full Moon: January 28
2019-2020 Anglish Holy Days
Winter Full Moon: Start of Winter to the Saxons, Night of October 13th 2019 into October 14th.
Blood Moon Full Moon: Night of November 12th 2019 into November 13th.
2020: Mothers’ Night: January 10th at night, into January 11th. (Angle New Year and Mid-Winter) Cake Month Full Moon: February 9th at night, into February 10th.
Hreða Full Moon: Night of March 9th into March 10th.
Ostar (Easter): (Only the Angles & Frisians, are known to have celebrated this feast day. Start of Summer) Night of April 7th into April 8th.
Holy Month Full Moon: Night of October 1st into October 2nd.
Winter Full Moon: Start of Winter to the Saxons, Night of October 31st into November 1st.
Blood Moon Full Moon: Night of November 30th into December 1st. Mothers’ Night: January 28th, 2021 at night, into January 29th 2021. (Angle New Year and Mid-Winter)
2019-2020 Norse Heathen Calendar
Please note: The Iceland Althing of the Year circa 930 AD was Christian. There were still some, who were Heathen. In this recorded Althing sometime around the year 930 AD, we have record of Icelandic men performing human sacrifice to entreat the Gods to keep Christianity down. But in the end, the Icelandic Althing at this time voted to follow the ways of Rome and the Church and recorded their “Heathen” calendar as twelve 30-day fixed months, ignoring the moon, with a 4-7 day “leap week” added each year. (Interesting…) The world’s foremost scholar on Norse Holiday’s, Andreas Nordberg, in his book: (Nordberg, Andreas. 2006. Jul, disting och förkyrklig tideräkning: Kalendrar och kalendariska riter i det förkristna Norden. Kungl. Gustav Adolfs Akademien för svensk folkkultur: Uppsal), states clearly that even the some of the moon names were changed, and one Yule moon was axed so that there would only be one Yule moon left which would in a sense move the Yule Mid-winter celebration one moon earlier into the formerly first of two, but now only Yule moon, forcing Norse Yule, normally in January, into December, close to Christmas, via Hakon the Good Chapter 15, following this Christian Norwegian King’s former example of trying to wipe out Yule in favor of Xmas. While the Norse Heathens have the Eddas and Sagas, stories of the Gods most preserved, the Anglish and Saxon Calendar, recorded in great detail by Bede in Chapter 15 of De Temporum Ratione (725 AD) is by far and away the most well documented Heathen Calendar. The Frankish Calendar is by far and away the second most preserved Heathen Calendar, recorded in Chapter 29 of Vita Karolini Magni chapter 29, circa 830 AD. The Norse Calender, below, is reconstructed, based on many saga passages, including Ynglinga Saga chapter 8, Hakon the Good chapter 15,
Moons (Months):
2019 HaustManuðr: (Harvest Moon)- New Moon: September 28 Full Moon: October 13
GorManuðr (Blood Moon)- New Moon: October 28 Full Moon: November 12
Yulir Tungl (Yule Constellation)- New Moon: November 26 Full Moon: December 12
2020: JolManuðr (Yule Moon) - New Moon: December 28, 2019 Full Moon: January 10, 2020
SunManuðr (Sun Moon)- New Moon: January 24 Full Moon: February 9
Mörsugur (Fat Sucking Moon)- New Moon: February 23 Full Moon: March 9
GoaManuðr (Goa's Moon)- New Moon: March 24 Full Moon: April 7
EinMánuður (First Moon)- New Moon: April 22 Full Moon: May 7
HarpaMánuður (Harpa's Moon)- New Moon: May 22 Full Moon: June 5
HarpaMánuður (Second Harpa's Moon)- New Moon: June 21 Full Moon: July 5
SkerplaMánuður (Third Litha Moon)- New Moon: July 20 Full Moon: August 3
Heyannir (Hey Moon)- New Moon: Aug 18 Full Moon: Sept 2
Tvímánuður (Second Moon)- New Moon: September 17 Full Moon: October 1
HaustManuðr (Harvest Moon)- New Moon: October 16 Full Moon: October 31
GorManuðr (Blood Moon)- New Moon: November 15 Full Moon: November 30
Yulir Tungl (Yule Constellation)- New Moon: December 14 Full Moon: December 29
JolManuðr (Yule Moon) 2021- New Moon: January 12 Full Moon: January 28
2019-2020 Holy Days (Uuih Dage / Feast Days):
Winter Nights (Three Days): First Day/Night is the Start of Winter to the Norse, Night of October 13th into October 14th.
Alfablot: Night of November 12th into November 13th. Home ritual, family only, no outsiders allowed. Yule (Three nights): January 10th at night, into January 11th . This is the “Blot” night (per Hakon the Good 15). Then for two more days, Yule continues.
Disting: March 9th at night, into March 10th. Sigurblot: Night of April 7th into April 8th. First Night of Summer to the Norse.
Winter Nights (Three Days): First Day/Night is the Start of Winter to the Norse, Night of October 31st into November 1st. Alfablot: Night of November 30th into December 1st. Home ritual, family only, no outsiders allowed. Yule (Three nights): January 28th 2021 at night, into January 29th . This is the “Blot” night (per Hakon the Good 15). Then for two more days, Yule continues. The Ynglinga Saga (chapter 8), from the year 1225, lists the three great blots of the year: “Odin established the same law in his land that had been in force in Asaland… On winter day (first day of winter) there should be blot for a good year, and in the middle of winter for a good crop; and the third blot should be on summer day, a Victory-blot.” In Old Norse, “Sigurblot” means “Victory-Blot.”
In Heimskringla, the saga of Hakon the Good, section 15 (circa 1230 AD) it says the following: “Before him, the beginning of Yule, or the blot night, was the night of mid-winter, and Yule was kept for three days thereafter.” In Heimskringla Olaf’s Saga Helga 77 it says: “In Svithjod it was the old custom, as long as heathenism prevailed, that the chief blot took place in Goa moon at Upsala.” --- This blot in Goa, is "Sigurblot". It is the most important blot of the year on the Norse Calendar.
Join us on Facebook, in the closed group called "Saxon Heathenry". Also, please join us in the Association for Historical Heathenry on Facebook. This is the Old Ways and non-discrimination alternative to TAC, the AFA, and the Troth.

Well, Imbolc would be British, not "Anglish" (or Anglo-Saxon). I think part of the reason Asatru is so far off from historical heathenry, is it started in the 1970s, and most who joined came straight out of wicca. Even Sumble by the early "heathen orgs" did one horn at a time in a circle, almost like one person at a time channeling energy, i.e. a Sabbat of Wicca. It was also the 1970s, the world wide web was not out yet, and research had to be done at a library, and who knew much then and what was where... What my concern is, and the main reason for this blog, all the historical sources can be found online. Sure, there are literally 1…
Right, I was curious about Oimelc 's origins because I've read wherev it's an Anglo-Saxon word for ewes milk. But, of course, our milking month isn't until later. I assumed the asatru wanted a more Wiccan year and just adjusted the dates. I've also heard it corresponds with a disir worship in a kind of older mother's day.
Imbolc, or Oimelc is Celtic, not Germanic. I have nothing against Celtic Paganism. Fine path. But this is a site called "Germanic Heathenry." In terms of Goa or Goje: I give you the work of Swedish scholar Andreas Nordberg. Here is a link to a PDF of his book. The one page abstract intro and the twenty page summary are in English. Here is me pasting in from p.156 of this PDF:
As well as Yule, the time of the disablot in Uppsala has also been the subject of much discussion. According to Adam of Bremen this event took place at“about the time of the vernal equinox”, whilst Snorri instead says that the eventwas held in the month of Gói, which lasted from mid-February…
Do you have any references the this God Goa? I can't seem to pull anything besides India.
So there's nothing but the Christization of Germany? I know they said there was something to do with May Day, but they obviously used the moon to mark times of the year. I always assumed it was like a fertility thing for animals and the production of good crops. I do know that others called it unlikely just because summer would've been so busy with the fields and animals.
What are your feelings about Oimelc?
Heathens thought like nature. Trees had leaves, then did not have their leaves. Birds migrated when the trees were losing their leaves, and growing their leaves, etc. Hence, "Mid-winter" and "mid-summer" references. There was no spring and fall, later concepts... Some of the Norse moon names, they feel are of "lost Gods", i.e. Gods' names that were not recorded in the Eddas and Sagas. Scholars believe Goje (Swedish) or Goa (Norwegian) is the name of a God now unknown... HEIMSKRINGLA ÓLÁFS SAGA HELGA 77 “In Svithjod it was the old custom, as long as heathenism prevailed, that the chief blot took place in Goje month/moon at Upsala. Blots were to be made at that time for peace and VICTORY for the king,…