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Robert Sass
May 17, 20198 min read
Vikings & The Last Kingdom: How Accurate are these Shows Historically?
These two TV shows have brought droves of people into Asatru, like it or not. Therefore, those involved in the path of Asatru and/or...
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Robert Sass
May 11, 20193 min read
The Oldest Mjolnir Necklace ever Found
Believe it or not, the oldest Mjolnir ever found, was found in Old Saxon lands. I learned this from a Heathen archaeologist I met on...
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Robert Sass
May 5, 20195 min read
The Saxon Rebellion of 841-842 AD: The War to win back Heathen Saxony
The Saxons lost the "Saxon Wars". The Saxon Wars were a 33 year war which the Franks attacked and conquered Heathen Saxony. The Saxon...
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Robert Sass
May 4, 20196 min read
What is Aldsidu: Old Saxon Heathenry
Aldsidu is an Old Saxon word meaning "Old Customs." This word occurs in 8th through 12th century Old Saxon poetry. Aldsidu is a word...
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Robert Sass
Apr 7, 20197 min read
Suht (Sutr), Mudspelles, Ragnarok, and the "Sons of Muspell"
All Germanic tribes venerated Uuoden (Odin) and the Aesir, but not all Germanic tribes shared "all" the Gods. The Saxons had Sahsnoth...
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Robert Sass
Apr 7, 20195 min read
Pagans: We Demand to Be Taken Seriously
I am "stealing" the title of this blog from this YouTube video, that I would ask you to watch before reading this blog, and this blog is...
1,172 views1 comment

Robert Sass
Mar 31, 201911 min read
An Alternative View of Saxon History
As a history student I have come to realize that many modern scholars do not have the ability to think outside of their own biases to see...
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Robert Sass
Mar 31, 20194 min read
"I would rather be in Hel with my family, than in heaven with my enemies." - Redbad, circa 700 AD
Redbad is a famous Heathen. He is known for denying baptism because the monks told him that his forefathers are in hell, and will never...
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Robert Sass
Mar 29, 20197 min read
Old Saxon, Old English, Old Norse Afterlife
Concepts of the afterlife in Heathenry did evolve or change over time and geography. Old Saxon poems, composed in the 8th, 9th, and 10th...
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Robert Sass
Mar 18, 20198 min read
Two Historically Attested 9-Year Sacrifices: Uppsala and Lejre
We have two historical references to the Nine-Year Sacrifice: Thietmar of Merseburg circa 1000 AD, and Adam of Bremen writing in the...
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Robert Sass
Mar 14, 20197 min read
Snorri, the Occasional Liar
How much can we trust Snorri? In terms of being accurate? Dr. Jackson Crawford correctly calls Snorri a secondary source, while he calls...
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Robert Sass
Mar 14, 20193 min read
The Runic Calendar: The Archaeological Evidence for the Heathen Calendar
The importance of Runes for Heathens cannot be understated. The Old Saxon Heliand, the most important source on the Historical Heathenry...
2,867 views0 comments

Robert Sass
Mar 8, 20195 min read
The Scandinavian Origins of Beowulf
Beowulf is an Old English poem, and is the oldest writing in Old English extant. Beowulf's story is set in Scandinavia. Beowulf's tribe...
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Robert Sass
Mar 5, 20197 min read
Ostara vs Historical pre-Christian Sigurblot
What is Sigrblot? What is Ostara? There are only two historical references to Eostre or Ostar in the historical record. Both of these...
3,228 views0 comments

Robert Sass
Feb 22, 20194 min read
Norse Fylgja & Hamingja vs Old Saxon Siola, Ferah, and Gest
Old Saxon scholar Dr. Prisca Augustyn of Berkeley states in her book The Semiotics of Fate, Death, and the Soul in Germanic Culture: The...
1,474 views0 comments

Robert Sass
Feb 18, 201914 min read
The Old Saxon Heathen Calendar
I will quote the sources, many saga references, three historical Heathen calendars to survive from the 8th, 9th, and 10th centuries, and...
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Robert Sass
Feb 7, 20199 min read
The Origins of Walpurgis Night
Why do so many celebrate a holy day named after a saint who persecuted Heathenry? Background: Richard the Pilgrim is also known as “St....
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Robert Sass
Feb 1, 201919 min read
The Historical Ivar the Boneless
In the age of the History channel making an entertaining TV show that is far from historically accurate, few Heathens have spent time...
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Robert Sass
Jan 25, 20193 min read
Hel (the Being) is only a Norse Belief
I do not believe the Heathen Saxons (in Saxony) were aware of Hellea or "Hel" (Old Norse) as a personified deity or being. And I would...
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Robert Sass
Jan 24, 201915 min read
Mothers Night: Its connection to the Matronae Cult, and a different holiday than Yule/Mid-Winter
I thought for a long time about whether or not to write this post. I am a Saxon Heathen (most Saxons remained in Saxony, and did not...
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