I am 67, a follower of the old religion for about 24 years, the age of my son, before I switst. I am a Frisian active in the Frisian movement, every 3 years we have a interFrisian meeting on Helgolân, this time the program was about the old sages. I read the Edaas and the sages about daily. I did rituals there is a Dutch group but they are univeralist and got more and more problems with them. I have been seeking a long time for an alternative. Till now I did rituals on my own. I am a Reiki master, I combine this with the Runes and send Reiki to my ancesterel line. One of the Reiki rules is; I honour my parents, teachers and elders.
I am a year with pension now. I have worked 43 years as a homehelp. I am 43 years active trade unionist, the Hammer of Thor is my symbol for the workers struggle.
I am divorced and have a son of 24, and he is interseted to. My ex and I had co-parenting sinds he was 3, we still have good contact.
The meaning of the name of old Atte Judge. I am called to the father of my mother the surname is Boing, spear of Ing or son of Ing I got the impression that in the 18 centery the name came from someone who did know the old ways.